Tuesday, June 20

link correction for TWD 806 Day 2

So 806 Day 2 not 802 Day 6

Link here:

Password: TWD_80x_2017


Jackson Lee Davis | Unit Still Photographer

Sunday, January 15

Re: checking in -

Hey Jared. 

Went well. Thanks. The day went well. Preview gallery linked below. (One note — Shawn has been sick and asked me not to shoot him.)

gallery password had minor tweak. 16 is now 17. let me know if you need it again.

rest of schedule still good. Thanks.



Jackson Lee Davis | Unit Still Photographer

On Jan 15, 2017, at 9:13 PM, Jared Harrell <jharrell@netflix.com> wrote:

hey jackson - 

hope you're have a great weekend.
how did friday go? i know shawn's been sick, so wanted to check-in to see how production went. 

do send some selects when you can. 

rest of the schedule for this block still good, yeah?
just making sure. 
i know we had a lot of back and forth on that one.


Originals Publicity | Visual Communications Specialist, Photo
M  +1 812-404-6268  | jharrell@netflix.com
335 N Maple Drive, Suite 353  |  Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Wednesday, December 25

Wednesday, July 3

Routing number


Jackson Lee Davis

Thursday, May 2

Grow up ... but not too fast.

Tonight we had dinner with Papa Jim and Jo Jo to celebrate your granddad's 73rd birthday.  Wow!

At dinner you asked ... "Papa Jim ... are you close to going under the grave?"  I replied that "I hope not."  You hoped not too.

Tomorrow is your 6th birthday!  just don't remember when you got to be this big.

I love you!


Friday, April 12

Back in the Ocean

It's been an extremely cold, flat winter but April is here.  We surfed earlier this week for the first time this year.  And this morning you asked me if we could go after school.  Sure we can!  -- but you need a new board.

On the way to the surfshop I asked you what color board you wanted.  You replied that you wanted a red one with a blue stripe.  I was thinking to myself that whatever they had in a shortish soft board would have to do.  And what did we find?  A Red 5'4 Softech with a blue stripe.  That's actually Ocean SS had.

Really stoked you're loving surfing.  I still amazed at your confidence in the water.

Thursday, April 4

First Dive

We headed out from the "marina" with Taino divers in Rincon bound for Desecho Island.  This is the same island which you claimed as Jalen Island on our arrival a couple of days ago.

You were pretty incredible out there today.  No fear.  You hopped right in and were super comfortable swimming by yourself out in the deep blue sea.  We were in about 50 ft. of crystal clear water.

Funniest part of the day came when you mistook a stream of bubbles from one of the divers as a jellyfish.  You made a hard b-line for the boat.

okay, so maybe not "no fear."  Perhaps we'll say "unusually brave."

Great day!

Sunday, March 24

"Boobies" and other inappropriate words

It actually took me a while to get to "boobies."  "Snot" and "boogies" I know were among the things I tried first.  No dice though. You only responded to boobies so that is what we went with. No apologies either ... this photo captures you so much more than "cheese" ever could. :)

Saturday, March 23

Fear of Failure

Remember this whenever you're intimidated or scared to put yourself out there for fear of failure:

It is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.

The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends oneself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

-- Theodore Roosevelt

Saturday, March 16


You were very proud of yourself after soccer today.  During the game you ran over to the end line and asked me.  "Dad, did you see that?  Did you see me help that boy up and brush the dirt off his back? "

Yes Jalen.  I saw.  and I love you so much.  You are truly a sweet soul.

Thursday, March 14

Saturday, March 9

Yellow Belt!!!

You were focused in a way I haven't seen before and Master Reggie said you did great!  We're all so proud of you and especially proud that you're proud of yourself.  Congratulations buddy!

Friday, March 8

Receipt Kaki

As you know Jalen is a big self soother. This morning on the way to school he was bummed that he forgot to bring one of his "guys." In a pinch, even a grocery store receipt will suffice.

Thursday, February 28

Yellow Stripe

You got your yellow stripe today and will test for Yellow belt in a week.  Master Reggie says your focus has been much better and I've been amazed with all your new skills and dexterity.  Stay focused J bird. You never know how this training will benefit you in the future! Hopefully, this gives you heaps of confidence!

Saturday, February 9

Orange Thunder

U6 soccer season is here and Jalen is excited to be playing.  He had his first game today.  No goals for Jalen today but LOTS of hustle.

Enthusiasm is high!  Hope he keeps it up.  oh, and the Thunder crushed the blue team.  :)

Wednesday, February 6

Monday, February 4

School Night. Date Night.

We hit Andolini's tonight for our semi-regular Da-dee/Birdle Monday date night. Pizza and a little jump castling is always the fare but today was special as we celebrated 100 days of Kindergarten in the books and 100 straight days of "Smooth Sailing."  We're all pretty proud.  Keep it up J bird.

Monday, January 28

Park? What park? Yesterday, Jalen and I broke our old "straight or left at the light" habit and explored Folly's west side. I was amazed how little of what I remember is left down there. Is this Sandy related? Jalen is standing in the parking lot. right? It's funny the changes you can find over 25 years on an 8 mile island. Which reminds me ... now I have to tell Jalen about "Stumps."

Wednesday, January 16

We took a walk on the beach today because the weather has been so beautiful.  As usual we headed to 9th block on Folly Beach and walked north past the house where we were married.  Fun afternoon!